The smart way to be creative with everyday items that we use:
Create a different atmosphere at the dining table
Punch a Basic Bake Seven paper with a star motif along the edge of the paper strip. Make a tube
circle the tealight candle container (make sure the fire is always in the container) stick it with tape.
Frozen meat separator
Insert the Seven Paper Rondo / Mini between burger, steak or other raw meat before freezing. This method will make it easier when you take the frozen meat from the freezer unit.
The pizza is still crispy
Seven Papers will help keep the rest of the pizza overnight underneath. The trick: put the pizza on Seven Rondo paper in the microwave for 30 seconds.
Honey container is not sticky
Place the honey jar on Basic Bake Seven paper. Try to be 15cm taller than the jar lid. After the honey is finished, return it to the paper, close the jar tightly again. The ends of Seven’s paper are tied with rubber. The rest of the flowing honey will be trapped in the paper. Practical right?
Oily snack handles
Serve fried potatoes, popcorn and other snacks in a cone shaped and fat resistant Snack Paper Seven (stick with tape)
Boil / grill seafood.
Grilling fish in Seven paper will prevent the loss of the delicious taste of seafood snacks that you make.
There are so many new things that are useful and we can do at home with various types of Seven Papers paper. Let’s use the Seven Papers paper from now on.