For sweet food lovers definitely no stranger to this one dish. Dessert is a dish that appears after enjoying the main food menu (main course). Dessert functions to refresh and eliminate the “heavy” taste after tasting the main food. Dessert used to be served with fresh fruits, but as the times have changed into sharing a variety of sweet snacks. In addition to the sweet taste, dessert must also look beautiful and attractive so that we can also feel the delicious sensation of enjoying food.
There are several variations of dessert that are often the favorite of many people including pancakes, waffles, pies, cookies & biscuits, cakes, brownies, klapertart, muffins, churros, cupcakes, eclairs, eggtarts, and many more. Both in the process of work and presentation can all be facilitated by using Baking Paper Seven and Snack Paper Seven. For desserts that need a frying process, you can use Snack Paper Seven as an excess oil absorber and in desserts that need to process baking in the oven or microwave can use Baking Paper Seven as a baking sheet and container you use. The baking and cooking process becomes more practical and hygienic.